Inclusion is both a social attitude and physical approach to embracing our diversity. Our plans and polices are tools to help guide our continuous efforts towards achieving a community that is free from barriers to accessibility and inclusion.
If you would like any of our plans or policies in an alternate format or with communication supports, submit an Accessibility Request Form or call City Hall at 613-968-6481.
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
The City of Belleville's Multi-Year Accessibility Plan outlines our short and long-term goals to identify and remove barriers, and increase the accessibility of our city. Accessibility planning allows us to set priorities and plan for future projects.
View the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
Belleville Transit's Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
Belleville’s Transit Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (TMAP) has been prepared in conjunction with the Corporation of the City of Belleville’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, to better address the unique characteristics of our transit system.
View the plan and take the TMAP survey
Provincial Accessibility Laws
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (A.O.D.A) is provincial legislation that outlines a goal to achieve communities that are free from discrimination. As a designated public sector organization under the A.O.D.A, we have responsibilities in all five areas of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. This includes customer service, transportation, employment, information and communications, and the design of public spaces.
Accessibility Policies
Our Corporate Accessibility Policy serves as a framework to shape the development and review of all our policies, procedures, by-laws, and internal standards and operations. This policy demonstrates our alliance with the goals of the A.O.D.A, and our commitment to compliance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation.
Customer Service
We will provide accessible customer service by treating all people with dignity and respect, and promoting their independence. Our Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Policy and Accessible Standards for Customer Service & Use of Assistive Devices Policy outline our commitment to interact with and provide services to people in a manner that takes into account individual abilities and preferences.
Information and Communications
Our Information and Communication Standards Policy supports our efforts to achieve equal opportunity for all people to access and benefit from our goods, services, programs, and facilities as independently as possible. It outlines our accessibility standards for any public information, our websites, web content, and other methods of communication.
The Information and Communications Guide supports the standards and goals laid out in our policy and outlines our expectations for information and communications produced by or on behalf of the City.