The City of Belleville is now looking for comment on the draft 2023-2027 Transit Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (TMAP).
The TMAP has been prepared in conjunction with the City of Belleville’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, to better address the unique characteristics of our transit system. The purpose of the document is to set goals for transit over the next four years to integrate as many riders as possible on the City’s accessible conventional transit fleet, while continuing to provide a parallel Mobility Transit service for those citizens with different needs.
Residents are encouraged to review the draft TMAP and provide their comments before Dec. 21. Feedback received will be considered by staff when finalizing the document before it comes to Belleville City Council for final approval early next year.
“As we work to make our transit system accessible to all, engagement with the community is going to be a crucial part of this process,” said Transit Operations Advisory Committee Chair Kathryn Brown. “We want to ensure this plan reflects the needs and wishes of our city as best we can. I would like to encourage all residents to take part in this engagement process and to ensure their voice is heard.”
Hard copies of the plan and feedback form will also be available at the Quinte Sports & Wellness Centre, Pinnacle Street bus terminal, the Belleville Public Library and on the first floor of City Hall. For additional information or to request an alternative method for providing feedback, please contact: nyantzi@belleville.ca.
More information on the project including the draft document and comment form for feedback, can be found on our website at: Belleville.ca/TMAP.