Our City is committed to maintaining a healthy urban forest. That means we protect the trees in parks, public spaces and on private property.
Please use our Report an Issue if you have any concerns with trees on public property.
In 2019 we adopted the Tree Canopy and Natural Vegetation Policy, which establishes the guiding principles for the City's tree canopy and applies to all properties and development, on public and private lands, within the Municipality.
Trees beautify the landscape, reduce the impact of extremes in weather, provide habitat for wildlife, add value to property and contribute to a healthy environment.
We plant and maintain the trees on public property to support and grow the urban canopy and add beauty and shade to our neighbourhoods. Trees are planted on public boulevards, parks and public spaces, and road allowances fronting residences. We maintain trees along our roadways through regular tree maintenance and inspection or treatment programs for tree pests and diseases.
We're growing our urban canopy! You may request a tree planted on the road allowance or boulevard in front of your home; restrictions apply.
We encourage our citizens to plant and maintain trees on private property. See our guidelines for tree maintenance on private property.
Tree events
TD Tree Days |
Since 2011, TD Tree Days and the City of Belleville have worked together to plant thousands of trees in parks and green spaces throughout Belleville. By planting trees native to the Carolinian Forest, we are growing a resilient tree canopy that will be enjoyed by the community for many years to come. Thank you to TD Bank Group for their generous and continued support. |
Tree Seedling Giveaway |
Thank you to all those who attended this year's event on May 4. Every spring, the City's Green Task Force gives away thousands of native tree seedlings to Belleville residents as part of Quinte Conservation's Community Trees program. Taking place annually on a Saturday morning in late April or early May, stay tuned to the City’s Social media pages and visit here for more information on next year's event. |