Your garbage, organics, and recycling will be collected on the same day every week, unless it falls on a statutory holiday.
Curbside collection rules:
- Set your items to the curb by 7:00 am;
- Your bags should be tightly sealed and not weigh more than 50 pounds;
- Garbage cans or containers
- should be reusable galvanized metal or plastic,
- no more than 17 gallons (77 litres) or 75 pounds in weight,
- have carrying handles and a secure, water tight lid.
- The top item inside the garbage container must display a current bag tag visible to the collector when they remove the lid. The bag tag should be looped around the neck of the bag and have it meet at the end producing a little "flag".
- Construction/demolition materials, including wood scraps and sawdust, are not accepted in curbside garbage.
- Sort your recycling with Quinte Waste Solution's sorting guide
- White goods or bulky items cannot be included in regular curbside pickup.
- Place all receptacles at a reasonable distance to the curb
- avoid blocking sidewalks for pedestrians, or creating potential driving hazards
- avoid blocking mailboxes
- Do your part to prevent littering – don't put out your waste in heavy winds and pick up any litter that blows away or is knocked over.
Garbage collection
Each bag of garbage requires a garbage tag. Garbage bag tags cost $3.00 and must be attached to each garbage item you set to the curb on your scheduled collection day as per By-law No. 98-175. Many local stores sell our bag tags or you can buy bag tags online.
Blue box recycling
Quinte Waste Solutions is the operating name for the Centre and South Hasting Waste Services Board, which oversees the blue box recycling service for the City of Belleville. Visit Quinte Waste Solutions for information on the blue box recycling program. Please set your items to the curb on your scheduled collection day.
Where to Recycle?
Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority's ‘Where to Recycle’ map displays locations across Ontario where you can drop off used materials to be recycled, such as batteries, electronics, household hazardous waste, lighting and tires, for free. Materials collected at these locations are reused, refurbished, recycled, or properly disposed of to help keep them out of landfill, recover valuable resources and protect our environment.